Saturday, February 21, 2009


Saw it today. In the beginning it revived some old memories but as the story passed further all that was left was the story of the monkey man.

Do u remember the monkey man???
That one creature that caused panic in the whole of Delhi...
But to make a movie on that subject (even though it was so that the story-line used it to portray a deeper meaning of communal tensions and people's foolishness) but still to make it a central character?? Why??
This wasn't expected from Mr Mehra after RDB... 

Give the movie a definite miss or see it for Miss Kapoor but do not expect anything ...
sheer waste of a couple of hours 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Specialization goes under the Hammer

Me too....
Its another first at IIMK.

Well this year our student council has come up with an innovative idea to auction off the courses in the second year, i.e. we need to bid for the courses so that we can at the end of the year have our specialization. And with what to bid? Our CGPA of course.

Replacing the old system of allotting the courses on a first come first serve basis as per CGPA the new system has been introduced to allow those who do not have the first say to try and get hold of subjects they want. But at what cost? If marketing is the most preferred courses this year then those who wish to specialize wish to get three subjects that semester, but due to the high bids and lack of sufficient credits they may lose to those who wish to take up HR or IT and have marketing as a minor because the cutoffs for their own subjects are dismal.

After various beta testing and even a final run (which was scrapped due to both lack of participation as well as server crashes) i do not know if it will be successful this time around. But this form of auctioning a student's future (even though it is a B-school and one is taught to beat the market) such a system is more likely to fail than succeed. Let's see what happens coz if it fails this time there will be reversion to the old system and then any further changes, even for good, will be harder to make...  

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another Exams end. Yipee....

Ahh, the feeling of having it done with, the ending of another series of exams, I am back after my hiatus. However have written a lot about my exams, more than 3 posts. How long can I go on criticizing these stupid ventures, which involve just gassing around with absolutely no learnings.

So lets change the topic. Well it is the V-Day tomorrow, and another year will go by with me just waiting and waiting and waiting...
When will the situation improve? when will I find the one?
But then do I really care that much. Really is it too big a thing?

well after reading some of my previous posts one may wonder why this change of a heart, but this is no change. I have always had this feeling but then its been a constant struggle just like as it is between yin and yang. Sometimes it is one way and others I feel its futility. And no this is not because just like the fox I feel the grapes to be sour.